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Tool Kit


Ready to help the 2020 Census effort for Dallas County? Download printable + digital assets below to show why together, We All Count. If you need assistance in printing, please reach out to Click on the green link to view files. 



Week 32 - October - 12_English.jpg
Week 32 - October - 12_Spanish.jpg

Social Media

18 - post - 1_heard - e-02.jpg
Congress - Change.jpg
18 - post - 3_3 -e-01.jpg

Collectively, our census count will determine how the population's congressional districts are drawn. If our voices aren't heard, unfair political advantages can occur, which can manipulate district boundaries to favor one particular group over another. #DallasCounts2020

Your contribution will help Texas gain between 2-4 seats in congress because of the growth we've seen in the last 10 years. We need you to take the census so congressional redistricting will reflect and represent the communities that have been historically undercounted. Your count will help make the critical change our neighborhoods deserve. Be part of the change. Go to and take action. #DallasCounts2020

Your voice is important, you matter. So many systemic injustices are being spotlighted in real-time. If we want a change in our country, it starts with action from each of its residents. Do your part by going to and participate in the census. Your contribution will help our hard-to-count communities have the representation they need when it comes time for changes in policy, law, and leadership. #DallasCounts2020

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#DallasCounts2020 | #DallasCuenta2020

© 2020 by Dallas County in Partnership with the City of Dallas.  

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